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24/7 Freight Services:(786) 220-6669


October 20, 2021 | Fork Freight


We provide high-end, affordable services that will help carriers, shippers, and brokers grow their business.

Our goal is to change the way you use load boards, increasing the effectiveness of load process and delivery. Our industry professionals work to significantly improve freight matching for you and your customers.
Which are the API commands used in Fork Freight?

Command Purpose
POST Create an object
GET Fetch one or more objects
PUT Update an object
DELETE Remove an object


To use the API’s listed above, you need to authenticate your id as you would when you log in to your Fork Freight account using your API key.

API key

Each user in Fork Freight service is provided with a unique API key. To find your API key

  1. Click your profile picture and select Profile Settings.
  2. Click the API Settings tab.
  3. You can find your API key in the field Your API key.

For example, if your API key is sfg999666t673t7t82, the curl command to use is:

curlcurl -H 'x-api-key: sfg999666t673t7t82' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET https:// -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET https://


I have encountered an error. How do I fix this?

API requests that result in errors will return an appropriate HTTP status code to help you identify the type of error and fix it. You can use the table below to understand what each code means.

HTTP Status Code Text Description
400* Client or Validation Error Indicates that the request is not in the correct format or the request params are invalid. For example, If load weight and length are of type string you will get an error.
401 Authentication Failure Indicates that the Authorization Key header is either missing or incorrect.
403 Access Denied This indicates that the user whose credentials were used in making this request was not authorized to perform this API call. It could be that this API call requires admin level credentials or perhaps the Fork Freight Developer portal doesn’t have the corresponding feature enabled.
404 Requested Resource not Found This status code is returned when the request contains invalid ID/Fork Freight domain in the URL or an invalid URL itself. For example, an API call to retrieve a Load/Truck with an invalid ID will return HTTP 404 status code to let you know that no such Load/Truck exists.
429 Too many requests This status code appears when the user has exceeded the API limit set per hour per account. In Fork Freight, this limit is 1000 API requests per hour per account.
500 Unexpected Server Error Phew!! You can’t do anything more here. This indicates an error at Fork Freight side. Please email us your API script along with the response headers. We will reach you out to you and fix this ASAP.
502 Bad Gateway Requested url is invalid or does not exists.
503 Service Unavailable Error code indicates that the requested service is not available at the moment or service no longer exists.
*Previously, we have been returning status code: 500 for validation errors and on August 17th, 2018, we have made changes to our status codes to reflect status code: 400 for validation errors. Please note that this new status code is returned only for accounts signed up on or after August 17th, 2018.
Users who have signed up before August 17, 2018, and have been using our API would still continue to receive status code: 500 for validation errors. We recommend such users who perform actions based on validation errors (if any) to make necessary changes to their API request as we would be deprecating the status code: 500 for validation errors on December 31st, 2018.
Error Response

In addition to the HTTP status code, most errors would also return a response body that contains more information on the error. Here’s a sample error response:

Sample Error
"errors": {
"code":"Status code of the error",
"message":"Error Description"
Error Response Fields
Field Description
code HTTP error status code
message Description about the error.



destination_city* String Load destination city (city name)
delivery_date* String Delivery date (when load of truck is delivered) Format(yyyy-mm-dd)
destination_state* String Destination state where loads to be delivered
description String Description about loads
equipment_type* String Equipment type such as Van, Box-truck
load_weight Number Weight of load
load_length Number Length of load
loads_count Number Number of loads count
pickup_city* String city from where load will be picked (city name)
pickup_date String Pickup date (when load is to be picked) Format(yyyy-mm-dd)
pickup_state* String State from where loads to be picked
ready_date String Date when the load will be ready
target_rate Number Desired rate for the load
* Mandatory fields for creating contact.

Create a Load

This API allows you to create a Load.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H 'x-api-key: your API key ' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{"delivery_addresses":["Florence, SC, USA"],"delivery_cities":["Florence"],"delivery_date":"2021-10-26T11:12:00.000Z","delivery_lat_long":[-79.7625625,34.1954331],"delivery_states":["SC"],"delivery_zips":null,"description":"new load","equipment_type":"Box Truck","load_weight":"1000","load_length":"1000","no_of_count":"123","pickup_addresses":["Miami, FL, USA"],"pickup_date":"2021-10-23T11:12:00.000Z","pickup_cities":["Miami"],"pickup_lat_long":[-80.1917902,25.7616798],"pickup_states":["FL"],"pickup_zips":null,"ready_date":"2021-10-20T11:12:00.533Z","target_rate":"123"}"


For creating a new load you will get success response with StatusCode:201

message : 'Load is added successfully'

View a Load

This API allows you to view a Load.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-api-key: your API Key" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

"code": 200,
"count": 1,
"data": [
"id": "616d804281d14f001657e4e1",
"pickup_lat_long": {
"type": "MultiPoint",
"coordinates": [
"delivery_lat_long": {
"type": "MultiPoint",
"coordinates": [
"pickup_addresses": [
"Miami, FL, USA"
"pickup_cities": [
"pickup_states": [
"pickup_zips": null,
"delivery_addresses": [
"Flagstaff, AZ, USA"
"delivery_cities": [
"delivery_states": [
"delivery_zips": null,
"equipment_type": "Box Truck",
"no_of_count": 1000,
"target_rate": "1000",
"load_weight": 1000,
"load_length": 100,
"pickup_date": "2021-10-21T14:08:20.000Z",
"delivery_date": "2021-10-23T19:00:00.000Z",
"description": null,
"updatedAt": "2021-10-18T14:42:30.388Z",
"ready_date": "10/17/2021"

Update a Load

This API allows you to update a Load.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: application/json" -H 'x-api-key: your API key ' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{"delivery_addresses":["Florence, SC, USA"],"delivery_cities":["Florence"],"delivery_date":"2021-10-26T11:12:00.000Z","delivery_lat_long":[-79.7625625,34.1954331],"delivery_states":["SC"],"delivery_zips":null,"description":"new load","equipment_type":"Box Truck","load_weight":"1000","load_length":"1000","no_of_count":"123","pickup_addresses":["Miami, FL, USA"],"pickup_date":"2021-10-23T11:12:00.000Z","pickup_cities":["Miami"],"pickup_lat_long":[-80.1917902,25.7616798],"pickup_states":["FL"],"pickup_zips":null,"ready_date":"2021-10-20T11:12:00.533Z","target_rate":"123"}"

API returns with the status code 204 with no content in the body.

Delete a Load

This API allows you to delete a Load.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X DELETE "" -H "x-api-key: your API key "

API returns with the status code 204 with no content in the body.



address_type_city* Boolean Address type city (True/False)
destination_city_radius string Destination city range
destination_city string Destination city
equipment_types Array of string Truck Equipment types
length string Length of truck
origin_city string Origin city name
origin_state string Origin of city state
rate_per_mile string Rate per mile
ready_date String Truck ready date
ready_end String Ready end date
ready_start String Ready start date
weight string Weight of truck
destination_bycity_address String Destination of city address
tracking_number Number Tracking number of truck
amount_of_load String Amount of load
source String Fork Freight or third party source data
Company ObjectId Company Id as Reference
* Mandatory fields for creating contact.

Create a Truck

This API allows you to create a Truck.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-api-key: your API key " -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"address_type_city\":true,\"origin_states\":\"\",\"destination_states\":\"\",\"origin_city_address\":\"Miami, FL, USA\",\"origin_city_lat_long\":[-80.1917902,25.7616798],\"origin_city_zip\":\"\",\"origin_city_state\":\"\",\"origin_city\":\"Miami\",\"origin_city_range\":500,\"destination_city_address\":\"Florida Mall Ave, Orlando, FL 32809, USA\",\"destination_city_range\":500,\"destination_city_lat_long\":[-81.39378289999999,28.4485982],\"destination_city_zip\":\"\",\"destination_city_state\":\"\",\"destination_city_city\":\"Orlando\",\"equipment_type\":[\"Dump Trailer\"],\"weight\":\"1000\",\"length\":\"1000\",\"rate_per_mile\":1000,\"ready_date\":\"2021-10-18\",\"description\":\"new\"}"

message : 'Truck is added successfully'

View a Truck

This API allows you to view a Truck.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-api-key: your API Key" -H "Content-Type: application/json"


"code": 200,
"count": 1,
"data": [
"id": "617013f18831de0016dc0c76",
"origin_city_lat_long": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"destination_city_lat_long": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"origin_state_states": [
"destination_states": [
"equipment_type": [
"Box Truck"
"origin_city_address": "Miami, FL, USA",
"origin_city": "Miami",
"origin_city_zip": null,
"origin_city_range": "500",
"destination_city_address": "New York, NY, USA",
"destination_city_city": "New York",
"destination_city_zip": null,
"destination_city_range": "500",
"weight": 1000,
"length": 1000,
"rate_per_mile": 1000,
"description": "NEW",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-20T13:04:49.499Z",
"ready_date": "10/20/2021"

Update a Truck

This API allows you to update a Truck.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-api-key: your API key " -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"address_type_city\":true,\"origin_states\":\"\",\"destination_states\":\"\",\"origin_city_address\":\"Miami, FL, USA\",\"origin_city_lat_long\":[-80.1917902,25.7616798],\"origin_city_zip\":\"\",\"origin_city_state\":\"\",\"origin_city\":\"Miami\",\"origin_city_range\":500,\"destination_city_address\":\"Florida Mall Ave, Orlando, FL 32809, USA\",\"destination_city_range\":500,\"destination_city_lat_long\":[-81.39378289999999,28.4485982],\"destination_city_zip\":\"\",\"destination_city_state\":\"\",\"destination_city\":\"Orlando\",\"equipment_type\":[\"Dump Trailer\"],\"weight\":\"1000\",\"length\":\"1000\",\"rate_per_mile\":1000,\"ready_date\":\"2021-10-18\",\"description\":\"new\"}

API returns with the status code 204 with no content in the body.

Delete a Truck

This API allows you to delete a Truck.

Sample code | Curl
curl -X DELETE "" -H "x-api-key: your API key "


API returns with the status code 204 with no content in the body.